Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tell me a Story

Robert Krulwich (one of the co-hosts of RadioLab) gave a commencement speech at CalTech last Spring that really nicely expressed a lot of the reasons why it is critically important for scientists (and science communicators) to be able to inform the public about their science. In many ways, he has summed up the motivation for why we developed this class. I highly recommend it.

Download MP3


The required books for this class are:
I've put the Amazon links here, but feel free to get them wherever you want (they are not, however, in your campus bookstores). I've also put a third book on reserve in many of the libraries that my prove useful to you. It's called "The Hands-on Guide for Science Communicators" and is more a guide for press officers than anything else. However, there is still some good stuff in there and there will occasionally be optional readings from it.